Friday, January 2, 2009

Review- Last Jam of 08

as usual, many thanks to those who turned up for the final session of the year .. I am sure you had as much fun as I had.. Just want to pen down memories on writing. In a retrospective way. Or satirical way. This hopefully will be a regular column after every session, so that we can look back next time at the blog and hopefully remember what went through that session. The highs and the lows..

You know, every session has its highlights, if you agree with me, like.. The ATTACK of the CHINA APPLE DRINK, The Ladies Night (wait a minute, was it the same session?). You see, all the more we need this post jam review to help us remember each session clearer.. everybody please feel few to write your thoughts too..

I remember....

Tian Shi by Mayday... (the 4-5 chorus song)

A very repetitive song, constantly challenging Q on the high notes (ni shi tian shi..) my god.. was it like 4 or 5 choruses you sang

I remember this song for the ooohs and aaaahs. JG, I am sure we had so much fun trying to aaah the notes. But as we sang the aaahs too many a time, we got pretty sick of it so much that it became a kill cat kill dog session.
Even jocelyn joined in the aaaahs too!

Oh Q, you sounded very much like the lead when singing the low notes!

Highpoint- CW doing his blues while we do the coffee shop talk. AND .... all these while waiting for the CUE.. we came in .. together!!!!
Low point- Those transitions after the chorus, needed so much coordination and mo qi! took the steam off our momentum

Don't look back in Anger --by Blur!!!

It took countless emails and a 2 jam sessions before SW and JG revealed to me at CW's house that it was Oasis and not Blur who sang it! WTF!!! Why didn't anyone point it out to me earlier!!!! You guys better know that when it comes to English pop, I was eons behind the scene. Please for goodness sake, save me from unnecessary embarrassment!!! Imagine that night, when I was at mambo, if I had proudly proclaimed to my friends that I had jammed this Don't look back in Anger " song by BLUR... they would had laughed their heads off!

Still, this piece is probably one of the more jammable pieces we have. We did a pretty good job too! A pity we didn't record it. I insist on a recording next session!

High point- just doing it rite gave me a high.. but i still think the bridge with the solo was pretty emotional..
Low point- hmmm not video-ing it

Sunshine chap

Another straining piece on the vocal. Poor Q gotta do his eyebrow raising act quite a few times. I simply love the upbeat feel of the entire song. Simple chords.. simple transitions.. Simple riffs
let's do it again!
JG- I still want those distortion "jeh jeh jeh " to be heard! Louder please!!!!

High point- when SW said, we gotta record this during the rehearsal. I totally agreed with him!!! The feeling was ... mutual..
Oh yes.... another high point... Jocelyn walked in during the song! Haven't seen her in ages man! I even forgot we were in the SAME Exco together!!!

I will survive

Love the intro by SW.. world peace.. mimicking CAKE about the song being used by various.. this is no a joke... blah blah
KUdos to SW again, for that rock style voice... the girls are going wild man, screaming.. ripping off their ... ...
The intro to the band was... ... hilarious...
Jocelyn... for all the drum roll, multi tom tom and splash crash, she was pretty subdued when it came to her solo.. hmph! I demand more!!! More girl poweR!!!!
CW-- ahemmm your answer to my alternative solo in Can't tell the SECRET.. of putting another song's riff into a song... FLY ME TO THE MOON.. everybody please watch out for it in the vid! Wait a minute!!!! DID WE RECORD THAT!!

High point- Check the running bass line. Loti simply rocks!
Low point- On the first take, during the first guitar solo, CW was waiting to enter with his " Fly me to the moon" on the 3rd phrase, when SW, no fault of his, came in as per the youtube track. Don't believe me. check CW's look on the video!!! AHAHAHAHAH!


Thank Q for the SANTA hats. Some were elf hats though .totally brought out the atmosphere of Christmas and New Year! Gave us the sleepy look... the erected look.. whatever

high point- the piano jingle followed by the tom tom roll down after the slow intro! I just love hearing and playing that!
Low point- sigh.. those lyrics from or whatever.. contributed to the delay at the beginning.. Never trust those sites man. Half the chords for the songs were wrong!

1 comment:

Lim Biscuit said...

Yeah, agree our Last Jam of 08 was the best that was not recorded .... really enjoyed the session. A good turn up that really reminded of the ol' days as members of VSCB which we each contributed music into a collective sound again.