Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reflections and Wishes 08/09

As the year 2008 came to a close, a few reflections and wishes for the year to come..

We started a band
Our band grew in number and strength
We posted our songs on Youtube
Our repertoire expanded
Guest singers joined us
We started a blog

Come year 2009, looking into the crystal ball I see

Our band STILL growing in number and strength
We will STILL posted our songs on Youtube
Our repertoire expanding
Guest singers/players joining us, maybe for good

Our first public performance..
Our first PERFECT CLIP..
Our next studio
Our first album (CD or DVD)
Our band T-Shirt
Publish Post

what say you?


Lim Biscuit said...

Definitely maybe .....

1) Earning some web $ for jamming costs

2) Nomination to best blog competitions 09?

flotsam said...

My personal wishes for the band:

1) To get a splash cymbal. Kindly please enforce if I procrastinate as this is low in budget.

2) To perform together with Olivia Ong. She is a goddess. Maybe we can work towards this by doing jazz numbers in the further-than-near future? It would be a dream come true.

lotiseng said...

To enjoy ourselves always. Haha.

jo'se said...

Wish for band
1)All & families to stay healthy and happy
2)Same as loti...